My friend, coworker, and data module guru Ryan has posted a bunch of new content and it is so interesting. I'm convinced my blogging is inspiring his blogging. I'm fine with that. I love it when Ryan posts new stuff!
Ryan and I did a joint presentation at IBM's Data and AI Forum last week titled: "Is it finally time to move away from Framework Manager?". We had a full house (it's a fairly controversial topic, right?) and some really great conversations after. Ryan is strongly in the "the time is now!" camp. I'm following closely behind. I'll share our presentation shortly.
Here are two of his articles I really think you read (especially if you are in the "hell no" camp).
Governance vs self-service doesn't have to be like Jedi vs Sith in Cognos Analytics thanks to the linked module feature. Check out my analysis of how it works and why you should deploy it today.
If you like that and think, "Ok, I'll consider that but how can I organize my Cognos world?", you should read this one:
I'm going to tell you something but you have to promise to keep reading my blog: I don't love Star Wars and I don't really know what Ryan means by Jedi vs Sith. I am also ok with that.